Korean Language-Martial Arts Terminology
Counting in Korean
2 Tul
3 Set
4 New
5 Tasot
6 Yosot
7 Ilgob
9 Ahop
10 Yeol
20. SeuMool
21. SeuMool hanna
22. SeuMool tul
30. SoReun
40. MaHeun
50. Sheen
60. YeSoon
70. IlHeun
80. Yudoon
90. AHeun
100. Bak
1st Il
2nd Ee
3rd Sam
4th Sah
5th Oh
6th Yook
7th Chil
8th Pal
9th Koo
10th Sip>
Mom means body
Eolgool Upper body (i.e. head and neck)
Momtong Middle part of body (trunk)
Ahre Lower part of body (i.e. legs and feet)
Meo-li Head
Mok Neck
Myung chi Solar plexus
Pal Arm
Palkoop Elbow
Palmok Forearm
Son Hand
SonMok Wrist
JuMeok Fist
Dari Leg
Murup Knee
Baal Foot
Apchook Ball of foot
Gyorugi - sparring
HohGoo - body protector
Charyeot - attention stance
Kyeongre - bow
Joonbi - ready
Jeon - round
Il-hoejeon - first round
Shijak - start fight
Kallyo - pause
Kuman - end fight
Kam-Jom-Hana - penalty point
Kyeongo-Hana - warning
Hong - red
Chong - blue
Boo Sang - injury
The disciplines of Taekwondo
Poomse - style-forms
Hosinsul - self-defense
Gyorugi - sparring
Kyepka - breaktest
Tenets of Taekwondo
Ye ui - courtesy
Yom chi - integrity
In nae - perseverance
JahJeh - self-control
Baekjool - indomitable spirit
Ahp - front
Dwi - back
Bandae - reverse
Bakat - outer
An - inner
Anuro - inward
Bakuro - outward
OhReun - right
Wen - left
Kibon dongjak - fundamental practice
Poomse/ Hyong - style figures
Daeryon - step sparring
Sajoe daeryon - four-direction movement
Pan ja yu - semi contact fight
Gyorugi - full contact fight
Hosinsool - self-defense
Paegi - freeing techniques
Kihap - powerful yell, to collect and
focus internal energy
Chagi - kick
Chigi - attack with hand
Jiroegi - punch
Dan - black belt degree: 1st - 10th degree
Gup - colored belt degree: 10th (white) -
1st (red-black)
Dobok - Taekwondo uniform
Tie - belt
Dojang - practice gym
Kwan - school
Sabeom Nim - instructor
Kam sa hamnida - Thank you
CheonMaNeYo - You're welcome
Naranhi Sohgi 'Parallel' stance
Pyonhi Sohgi Ready stance (i.e. "at ease")
Moa Sohgi 'Closed feet' stance
Ahp Sohgi Walking stance
Ahpkubi Sohgi Forward stance
Dwikubi Sohgi Backward stance
Juchoom Sohgi 'Horse riding' stance
Bum Sohgi 'Tiger' stance
Koa Sohgi 'Twisted' stance
Blocking techniques (Maggi)
Ahre maggi Low block
Momtong maggi Middle block
Eolgul maggi High block
Geudeureo maggi Fidt of one arm supports the other arm by the elbow
Sonnal-bakat maggi Block with knifehand, from inside to outside
Gawi maggi "Scissor" block: With one hand ahre maggi, the other one a momtong-bakat maggi
Eotgalyo maggi 'X'-block
Hechyo maggi 'Wig'-block
Bituro maggi Twisting block
Arm techniques
Eolgul jireugi High punch
Momtong jireugi 'Middle' punch
Sonnal mok anchigi With knifehand strike at neck
Pyeonsonkut jireugi Spear fingers
Doobeon jireugi Double punch
'Strangle' punch
Kicking techniques (Chagi)
Ahp-cha-gi Front kick
Dolryo-cha-gi Round kick
Naeryo-cha-gi Axe kick/Downward kick
Yop-cha-gi Side kick
Dwi-cha-gi Backward kick
Hooryo-cha-gi Hook kick
Bandae-dolryo-cha-gi Spinning hook kick
Dwi-dolryo-cha-gi Spinning hook kick